The Frog Prince


Oh, to be young: what I’d give to be him. ie me. This is me thirty years ago or nearly, in a photo that I have always called “The Frog Prince.” That’s because the other person in the room was (finally) Kathleen. I put on the tie in her honor, even though she was sound asleep.

I behaved badly last weekend, at the funeral of Florice, my father’s wife for five yeas. I walked out of the church and kept on walking. In plain truth, I needed a bathroom. HMC has never been good about such mortal requirements, however, so, mad as usual at her perfidious inadequacies, I walked off without a bye your leave to anyone standing on the terraced steps outside St Saviours’s. I feel dreadful about it now. My father expected better.

2 Responses to “The Frog Prince”

  1. Yvonne says:

    Kathleen–“the other person in the room”–was sound asleep? Then who took the photo?

    Ah, a mystery…wrapped in an enigma…sporting a bow tie…

    Hope you decided against using this one on your new business cards.

  2. LXIV says:

    Actually, all things considered, the photo is rather charming; something about a wistful man in a bow tie (and not much else, it seems), gazing out at… Was Cecil Beaton in the room?