Must Mention:
Thursday, 1 July 2010


Will was with us all day, and we were unprepared to continue this week’s return to Daily Office postings in the face of our conflicting cnmmittment to him. We’re professional up to the point where it turns out that grandchildren come first.

¶ At The Awl, Mat Honan explains yet another ugly truth about Califronia: why the coming gubernatorial race makes the current incumbent look like a genuine statesman. (But not, we must aver, in so many words.)

¶ A big, juicy story in the Times barks like an enraged but leashed dog at Benedict XVI. No blood is drawn. Eventually, however, this is the sort of story that will shrink collections in the parishes.

Why Alcoholics Anonymous works (maybe): Jonah Lehrer at Frontal Cortex. You so have to read the whole piece if you don’t know what “prediction errors” are, and how the mind deals with them — or fails to do, addled by addiction. But Mr Lehrer’s “blatant speculation” feels sound.

One Response to “Must Mention:
Thursday, 1 July 2010”

  1. Nom de Plume says:

    Why AA works: interesting theories about prediction errors. Something to mull.