The Pile-Up/In the Book Review

Instead of reciting the titles of the three or four book that I am “reading” at the moment, here’s a summary of the pile-up on the dining table, where all the unread and unshelved books in the apartment have finally been gathered. (When Kathleen and I want to eat at the table, I move two of the piles to a TV table, and we dine in the canyon of books.

Fiction (two piles): 36 books. Should I just get rid of The Raw Shark Texts as a mistake? Or is it a mistake?

Current Events/History/General Interest: 12. This number would be a lot higher if I were a bit more rigorous about the “Miscellaneous” piles; see below.

Poetry and Criticism: 9 books. Ditto.

Biography: 10 books, including Francis Bacon’s Life of Henry VII. How precious is that?

Miscellaneous (two piles): 34 books, including Jane Eyre, which even before the midpoint strikes me as age-and gender-inappropriate, and The Upanishads.

Hopeless, isn’t it?

As for this week’s Book Review:

ΒΆ Social Historian.

One Response to “The Pile-Up/In the Book Review

  1. Ellen says:

    I too have piles of books unread on my TBR table and footstool (it’s a wide one). My problem is I have not been able to get enough time to discipline myself to read the books in a coherent order: I have three topics (movies, memoirs, just now gay studies and biography), and a tiny pile of list books.

    Then I take on something new like Paul Scott’s _Raj_ quartet and the film (coming out of the movie studies).

    I need to quit my jo and also keep to a schedule.

    But I can’t.

    It’s good to see someone else with at least a similar problem.

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