Open Thread Sunday:


One Response to “Open Thread Sunday:

  1. Fossil Darling says:

    I can’t say for anyone else but I hit this weekend just exhausted. I was worried about the election, slept badly the night before and was on edge all day Tuesday until 11PM when Obama was declared President.

    And work has been a string of long long days.

    So yesterday was devoted to naps. They are a wonderful invention, and finally when I took the New Yorker to bed at 9PM (sad sad sad…when I think of the old days….well, now I’m old…) I knew I would not last long and I think I feel asleep at 9;45.

    And that’s the miracle of rest and sleep : I feel so much better today, relaxed and in a different ‘place.’ Have read the paper, cleaned up E-mails and am trying to gather up the ambition to go to the gym……..

    So, enjoy your Sunday!