Open Thread Sunday:


4 Responses to “Open Thread Sunday:

  1. LXIV says:

    One of the small, unsung wonders of a revitalized, if over-gentrified, New York City is the profusion of really good gardens, often planted and maintained by expert plantsmen and women in the city’s parks and odd plots of land – once concrete wastelands, parking pads, uninspired bureaucratic Parks Dept. plots or trash and weed depositories.

  2. Fossil Darling says:

    It is lovely here in NYC for Marathon Sunday but I am feeling very impatient and uneasy : one reason may be that there’s a rumor that we’re about to have layoffs “of biblical proportions.” Methinks he meant ‘epic’ ………… but this we get used to on Wall Street. I think it’s the Election, my unease that somehow the unthinkable, the unmentionable might happen…..I am trying to plot my Tuesday night, I think going to see Mme Butterfly at the Met may just be the ticket….get home at 11:30 and then turn on the television. .

    I lost my cool with a southern friend who sent me first a morph that goes from Obama’s face to a demon and back…and then sent an op-ed from the British Spectator full of vile lies about Obama. My response was not polite but enough is enough…..what are people so scared of???? Well, I know but really……..with the world facing deflation and a prolonged economic downturn, do we really need more years of Republican misrule? I need a nap………..

  3. Yvonne says:

    Fossil Darling, that epic/biblical purge does sound scary; I wish you luck, and hope all will be well. (The opera distraction is such a good idea! — much better than my idea for Tuesday night: 3 glasses of wine and a long autumn’s nap.)

  4. Fossil Darling says:


    Thanks for the good wishes.

    If I could just go to sleep at 6PM tomorrow night and awaken at my usual 5:10AM on Wednesday, I’d do it in a minute. I best not stay home : my ADD might blow up the TV, wanting to watch, not wanting to watch…..I have no tolerance for poltiics anymore, it isn’t fun or funny, not with what’s at stake….so maybe Mme. B…….at least I know the ending… ’92 I was at a bash held by friend’s and when Clinton and Hil came out on the steps of the State Capitol bldg in Little Rick, I asked everyone in the room to rise and hold hands and sing ‘God Bless America.’ There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Well, one, a British friend who thought I had lost it…….