Brokenland Note:
Tough Monday
23 June 2014
¶ Mondays aren’t made any easier to get by the synergy of ghastly stories in the Times.
- Charles Blow on “The Frustration Doctrine.”
- David Gelles on life insurance that pays out to employers. (How sick, sick, sick is this?)
- David Carr on The Last Magazine.
In the last, Carr writes of the late author, Michael Hastings,
To wit, there have been those who suggested Mr. Hastings’s mysterious and tragic death at age 33 showed he was too honest for a world where the truth is overwhelmed by careerism and propaganda. In truth I have no idea why his car ended up smashed into a palm tree in Los Angeles in the early morning hours of June 18 a year ago. I just know he left something remarkable behind.
It’s a damned good thing that we don’t drive.