Monday Scramble:

Photo: Kathleen Moriarty.

A brief reminder, which we’ll be renewing for the rest of the summer in one way or another: the site that you are currently reading, heretofore known as “the old Daily Blague,” is a pendant to The Daily Blague / reader, a new site designed to be read on an iPad or, someday, on some other tablet device. (We see that they’re being called “slates” — ardoises — in French.)

We’re wondering why the first thing that almost everyone says about the iPad is, “It’s heavy!” As compared to what? We have many, many books that weigh more than the iPad — we’re reading one of them now, Steve Pincus’s massive 1688: The First Modern Revolution. But then we’re weird, right? The first thing that people say when they walk into the blue room is “Wow! Have you really read all of these books?”

Anyway, no matter how much it weighs, wimps, it’s much easier to read the Internet on an iPad. (Web 2.5? 3.0? First there was gophering, then there was surfing, and now, at last, there is reading.)

One Response to “Monday Scramble:

  1. Edwar says:

    Ecoiomnes are in dire straits, but I can count on this!