Daily Office:


Matins: Marina Warner (a world-class expert on the subject, in our opinion) writes about the function of myth, at The Liberal.

Lauds: Money does not appear to be what may have led Harvey Shipley Miller into error as sole trustee of the Judith Rothschild Foundation. Glory and honor are more like it. Listen hard enough, and you can still hear the clucking about the inappropriateness of a posthumous exhibit (in 1998) of Rothschild’s far from top-tier work in  (NYT)

Prime: Tyler Durden foresees “pitchforks and sawed-offs.”

Tierce: For what it’s worth — an X if ever there was one — The Infrastructurist interviews IBM’s Vice President of Energy and Environment. Amidst the jargon, there’s some good thinking.

Sext: The alliteration is so intense that we don’t know what Balk’s sentence means, nor care if it means anything at all. It’s just too psuper! From “You Will Never Find A Husband In New York.” (The Awl)

Nones: In a fine piece at Slate (via The Morning News), Fred Kaplan puts his dukes right up. See also the commentary of AIPAC-nemesis John Mearsheimer at the LRBlog.

Vespers: We’ve been waiting for Robert Darnton to discuss the Paleoblogosphere of ancien régime France, and now he has obliged (NYRBlog)

Compline: Tony Judt’s sketch of his early, non-academic working life includes some very important observations about the indignity of most labor. (NYRB)

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