Details, details

This week’s report involves a very seedy offense — a policeman viewing child pornography while on duty, on the computer located in the station’s evidence room (and not just viewing it, apparently) — but what caught our attention was the news item’s failure to specify just how the infraction was discovered.

Although Ryan Hutton’s reporrting is full of damning evidence against Officer Alan Vigiard, it neglects to nail down the truly interesting details, which have nothing to do with pornography or distinctive scars and everything to do with — one imagines — carelessness, and perhaps even multitasking.

Police Chief Donald Poirot and the State Police Berkshire Detective Unit began investigating after a folder containing 153 images of child pornography was copied onto CDs with evidence for a larceny case and sent to the Berkshire County district attorney’s office, according to court documents.

One would like to know more about this apparent goof-up. Did Officer Vigiard copy the 153 images onto a CD? If so, why? And who recorded the video clip, presumably taken from the evidence room’s security monitor? Screenwriters will want to know!

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