Monday Scramble:


Everyone was talking about the Rorschach inkblots last week, after a Canadian psychologist posted a Wikipedia page that was something of a vent. Who knew there were only ten? That was the impression conveyed, anyway.

I was obliged to take the Rorschach test in elementary school, and it was all I could do to keep frpm giggling. “What this looks like, doctor, is that you’re an idiot to place any diagnostic reliance on a bit of fingerpaint.” Not in so many words, perhaps. I should have just come out and told the doctor that I was sure that my mother wanted to kill me, if only he’d asked nicely. (And I was!)

Clancy Martin’s Diary entry about his substance abuse got a lot of follow-up. Other long threads raveled Mad Men avatarsChinese students’ identity theft, and Jamba Juice.

New at Portico:  Unprofessional as it may be to do so, I’m going to blame this nasty summer cold of mine for a slackening of page production. I have done the writing, I assure you — but not the editing, the formatting, the uploading, and so on. Stay tuned! At least I’ve taken care of the Book Review review. I also posted the first draft of a page about L J Davis’s A Meaningful Life, because I wanted to show off about having read it.

If I didn’t quite get to (500) Days of Summer on time, that’s because I wanted to tuck Adam into this entry along with it. Now I’m completely up to date on that front.

One Response to “Monday Scramble:

  1. RomanHans says:

    So it turns out the inkblots were just some kind of horrible joke. We all saw them and thought, “Oh, God — I must be crazy. All I see are naked people and spiders.”‘

    And it turns out they really ARE naked people and spiders.

    Congrats, psychiatrists! Bet you made a mint out of that.